Ph.D (University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
M.Sc. (University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Psychological Capital, Employee Green Behaviour, Workplace Adaptability, Gender Equality in the Workplace, Workplace Diversity & Inclusion.
# | Subject Code | Subject Name |
1. | MS-1001 | Organizational Behaviour. |
2. | MS-2001 | Human Resource Management. |
3. | MS-4003 | Leadership. |
4. | MS-9112 | Managerial Psychology and Employee Relations. |
5. | MS-9113 | Dynamics of Organizational Effectiveness. |
6. | MS-9114 | Psychometric Testing and Assessment. |
7. | MS-9115 | Performance and Talent Management. |
8. | MS-9117 | Managing Transitions: Organizational Change & Development. |
9. | MS-9118 | Organizational Leadership and Leadership Development. |
10. | MS-9119 | Design of Organization. |
# | Subject Code | Subject Name |
1 | MSC-731 |
Principles of Management. |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
ID | Details | Year |
2024 | 1. "Sustainable leadership: empowering green organizational citizenship behaviour through employee green value in the Indian healthcare sector" Mandal, V. & Pal, D. Journal of Asia Business Studies 19 (1), pp - 79-102 SCOPUS Emerald Publishing Limited. | 2024 |
2024 | 2. 'Going Green from Within: The Mediation of Employee Green Creativity in the Relationship Between Green Inclusive Leadership and Green Organizational Citizenship Behaviour.' Mandal, V. & Pal, D. Global Business Review OnlineFirst SCOPUS Sage Journals. | 2024 |
2024 | 3. 'Thriving in diversity: the role of inclusive leadership and workplace inclusion in enhancing satisfaction with life among Indian IT employees.' Jha, I.N., Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. 'Journal of Management Development.' 43 (5), pp - 663-689. SCOPUS Emerald Publishing Limited. | 2024 |
2023 | 4. 'Embracing diversity and igniting excellence: Unveiling the impact of workplace inclusion on organizational outcomes in the Indian IT sector.' Jha, I.N., Pal, D.,Sarkar, S. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 35(2),pp-161-178. SCOPUS Taylor & Francis. | 2023 |
2023 | 5. 'Unlocking the Secret to Workplace Happiness: The Power of Inclusive Leadership, Organizational Justice, and Workplace Inclusion' Jha, I. N.,Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. Journal of Management Development 43 (2), pp- 200-221. SCOPUS Emerald Publishing Limited. | 2023 |
2019 | 6. Impact of Employee Demography, Family Responsibility and Perceived Family Support on Workplace Resilience Bose, S. & Pal, D. Global Business Review 21 (5), pp - 1249 - 1262. SCOPUS Sage | 2019 |
2016 | 7. An empirical study on psychological capital, demography and employee happiness: A relational perspective. Pal, D., & Srivastava, P. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 42(1), 63 – 71 SCOPUS IAAP | 2016 |
2015 | 8. Organizational citizenship behaviour in Indian organizations: A sectoral comparison. Pal, D. Journal of Psychometry, 29(1), 19 – 27. 29(1), 19-27 Others IIP | 2015 |
2012 | 9. Work motivation vis-à- vis organizational citizenship behaviour. Pal, D., & Dasgupta, S. K. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 38(2), 352 – 360. SCOPUS IAAP | 2012 |
ID | Details | Year |
October 9 – 11, 2015 | 1.Pal, D., & Bose, S. A Study on the Impact of employee demography and perceived flexibility demand on organizational identification. (Best Paper Award in Track-OB & HRM). Centenary International Conference on Psychology: Psychology and Challenges of the Developing World University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India. | October 9 – 11, 2015 |
October 20 – 21, 2016 | 2.Pal, D., & Maji, M. 'An empirical study on Qwl vis-à- vis job stress and OCB of a group of employees. 3 rd International Conference on Human Behaviour and Development Issues: Growth and Sustainability.' Amity University, Lucknow, U.P., India. | October 20 – 21, 2016 |
November 14, 2022. | 3.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'The Impact of Green Orientation of Human Resource Management on Employee Green Performance: The Mediating role of Green Organizational Citizenship Behaviour.' Conference on Performance Management-2022 University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy). | November 14, 2022. |
Nov 17-19, 2022. | 4.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'Impact of Environmental Specific Servant Leadership in the Promotion of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour towards the Environment: An Empirical Assessment from IT Sector.' 2nd Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) Conference-2022: Leading the business of the future: Talent, Technology and Transformation in a changing world. Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. | Nov 17-19, 2022. |
May 21-22, 2022. | 5.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'Do Green Human Resource Management Practices Promote Employee Green Behaviour during COVID-19 Period? An Empirical Assessment from IT Sectors.' (won the Best Paper Award in Track-4), 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Business Trends-2022. National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. | May 21-22, 2022. |
May 19-21, 2023. | 6.Jha, I.N., Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. 'Promoting Happiness at Workplace via Workplace Inclusion among Indian IT Employees: Assessing the role of Organizational Justice.' Management Education and Research Colloquium (MERC) 2023. Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India. | May 19-21, 2023. |
March 23-25,2023. | 7.Pal, D. & Mandal, V. 'Unlocking Employees' In-Role and Extra-Role Green Behaviours: Exploring the Role of Green Organizational Culture Vis-à-vis Green Work Engagement.’ (Won Best Paper Award-2nd ). International Conference on Sustainable Business Management (SBM) 2023. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. | March 23-25,2023. |
March 23- 25, 2023. | 8.Jha, I.N., Sarkar, S. & Pal, D. 'A Study on Consequences of Workplace Inclusivity: Empirical Evidence from Indian IT sector.' International Conference on Sustainable Business Management (SBM 2023). Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. | March 23- 25, 2023. |
March 14 - 15, 2018 | 9.Bose, S. & Pal, D. Workplace Adaptability & Locus of Control: Moderating Role of Job Demand & Resources.MDC & VRS – Doctoral Colloquium of IIT Kharagpur Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. | March 14 - 15, 2018 |
March 1-2,2023. | 10.Pal, D. & Mandal V. 'Green Inclusive Leadership Vis-à-vis Climate for Green Creativity on Recycling Behaviour: An Exploratory Study on Employees of Public Manufacturing Sector.' International HR Conference 2023 : “Decoding the HR Mantra: HR Roadmap & Future of Workforce” Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata, West Bengal, India. | March 1-2,2023. |
March 03 - 04, 2017 | 11.Pal, D. 'Organizational citizenship behaviour: Nature, correlates and prospects (in a symposium ‘Organizational Behaviour: new frontier, challenges and responses).' National Conference on Expanding Frontiers of Applied Psychology. University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India. | March 03 - 04, 2017 |
March 01-02, 2023. | 12.Jha, I.N., Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. 'Role of Inclusive Leadership in promoting Inclusive climate through Diversity-focused HR practices: Evidence from the Indian IT sector.' International HR Conference 2023 - Decoding the HR Mantra: HR roadmap & future of workforce. Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata, West Bengal, India. | March 01-02, 2023. |
June 18-20,2021. | 13.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'A Theoretical Overview on Green Human Resource Management Practices for Environment Friendly Organization in Context of COVID-19 Pandemic.' Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE)-2021 Management Metamorphosis: Living with the Pandemic. Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. | June 18-20,2021. |
July 27-28, 2021. | 14.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'An Empirical Review on Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Sustainability.' Global Conference on Innovations in Management and Business-2021. National Institute of Technology Warangal, Telangana, India. | July 27-28, 2021. |
January 7-9,2022. | 15.Mandal, V.& Pal, D. 'Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Engagement in Post Covid-19. An Empirical Evidence from Health Care Sector.' International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring – 2022. Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. | January 7-9,2022. |
January 23-24,2023. | 16.Pal, D & Mandal, V. 'The Impact of Happiness at Work Vis-à-vis Workplace Diversity on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Towards Environment: An Exploration.' 10th international HR Conference-2023 :“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion- Making the Invisible Visible” K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. | January 23-24,2023. |
January 23-24, 2023. | 17.Jha, I.N., Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. 'Achieving a sense of satisfaction with life through Inclusive leadership: Does workgroup inclusion matter? Evidence from the Indian IT sector.' 10th International HR Conference - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Making the Invisible Visible. K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. | January 23-24, 2023. |
January 20-21, 2017 | 18.Sanyal, U., & Pal, D. 'Effect of organizational culture in environmental awareness on pro environmental behaviour at workplace: A new perspective on organizational sustainability.' Doctoral Colloquium in collaboration with International Journal of Commerce and Management Research. IMS Centre for Research, IMS, Kolkata, India. | January 20-21, 2017 |
January 01-02, 2023. | 19.Jha, I.N., Pal, D. & Sarkar, S. 'Promoting Life Satisfaction in It Sector Employees Through Leaders’ Inclusiveness.' 20th AIMS International Conference. Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kerala, India. | January 01-02, 2023. |
December 29 – 31, 2016 | 20.Bardhan, S., & Pal, D. Relationship between work life balance and employee engagement among marketing and IT professionals of Kolkata: An empirical investigation. 26 th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. | December 29 – 31, 2016 |
December 27-30,2021. | 21.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'Green Human Resource Management Practices - A New Age Practices for Organizational Sustainable Development in Unprecedented Situation.' Strategic Management Forum Annual Conference 2021 : Role of Strategic Management for Building and Sustaining Business in a Disruptive World. Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. | December 27-30,2021. |
December 05-07, 2024. | 22.Jha, I.N, Sarkar, S. & Pal, D. 'They made me feel included” – Investigating predictors of Inclusive behaviour of Indian IT employees: A hybrid SEM-ANN based approach.’ Strategic Management Forum Conference 2024. Indian Institute of Management Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. | December 05-07, 2024. |
Dec 14-17, 2023. | 23.Jha, I.N., Sarkar, S. & Pal, D. 'From Inclusion to Excellence: Exploring Sequential Mediation in Inclusive Leadership.' (Spot Light Paper- Track - Leadership & Human Capital). India Strategy Conference 2023. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. | Dec 14-17, 2023. |
Dec 07-08, 2023. | 24.Jha, I.N., Sarkar, S. & Pal, D. 'From Inclusion to Conservation: Exploring the Pathway of Inclusive Leadership and Perceived Organizational Support towards Employee Recycling Behaviour in Healthcare.' Management Doctoral Research Colloquium. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Kolkata, West Bengal, India. | Dec 07-08, 2023. |
August 06-07, 2018 | 25.Bose, S. & Pal, D. Employee Demography & Work Related Priorities: A Study on Indian Workforce. Annual Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, United Kingdom. | August 06-07, 2018 |
April 23-24,2021. | 26.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'A Conceptual Review on Workforce Management Practices in Post Covid-19.' International Management Conference on Post COVID Management Strategies: Recovery, Resilience & Adaptation-2021. Indian Institute of Management Bodhgaya, Bihar, India. | April 23-24,2021. |
19th -21st May 2023. | 27.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'Green Leadership for a Greener Tomorrow: Investigating the Role of Green Inclusive Leadership and Employee Creativity in Promoting Green Organizational Citizenship Behaviour.' Management Education and Research Colloquium-2023. Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India. | 19th -21st May 2023. |
14th -17th December 2023. | 28.Mandal, V. & Pal, D. 'Exploring Green Inclusive Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour towards Environment.' (Spot Light Paper- Track - Leadership & Human Capital). India Strategy Conference-2023. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. | 14th -17th December 2023. |
ID | Title |
Book Chapter: Sanyal, U., & Pal, D. (2019). Shades of green: linking green HRM practices and environmental behaviour at workplace. In A.K.Baksi, K. Kundu, & P. A. Alam (Eds.), Frontiers in management research. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. |
1. Book Chapter: Sanyal, U., & Pal, D. (2019). Shades of green: linking green HRM practices and environmental behaviour at workplace. In A.K.Baksi, K. Kundu, & P. A. Alam (Eds.), Frontiers in management research. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. |
Book chapter: Pal, D., & Kharbithai, R. (2015). A study on ethical mindset of a group of private and public sector executives. In S.S. Bhakar, V.K. Bhatnagar, & R. Banerjee (Eds.), Sustainability management and the power of innovation, Bloomsbury Publishing. |
2. Book chapter: Pal, D., & Kharbithai, R. (2015). A study on ethical mindset of a group of private and public sector executives. In S.S. Bhakar, V.K. Bhatnagar, & R. Banerjee (Eds.), Sustainability management and the power of innovation, Bloomsbury Publishing. |
Book chapter: Mandal, V. & Pal, D. (2025). Green Mindfulness and Organizational Citizenship: Unveiling the Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Healthcare Sustainability. In C. Şeker, E. Örücü, & A. Kaya (Eds.), Green Management Approaches to Organizational Behavior (pp. 395-422). IGI Global Scientific Publishing. |
3. Book chapter: Mandal, V. & Pal, D. (2025). Green Mindfulness and Organizational Citizenship: Unveiling the Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Healthcare Sustainability. In C. Şeker, E. Örücü, & A. Kaya (Eds.), Green Management Approaches to Organizational Behavior (pp. 395-422). IGI Global Scientific Publishing. |
Book Chapter: Bose, S., & Pal, D. (2016). A study on different generations of employees in Kolkata with their work attitudes in perspective. In A. Sarkar & T. Ray (Eds.), Managing sustainable development: Innovations and best practices. Springer. |
4. Book Chapter: Bose, S., & Pal, D. (2016). A study on different generations of employees in Kolkata with their work attitudes in perspective. In A. Sarkar & T. Ray (Eds.), Managing sustainable development: Innovations and best practices. Springer. |
ID | Details | Patent Filed Year |
Warden, Hall-8- from 2016- 2017
Warden, Hall-13 from 2017-2019.
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