B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering), N.I.T. Durgapur
M.E. (Metallurgical Engineering), Jadavpur University
Ph.D. (Engineering) , Jadavpur University
1. N.I.T. Durgapur , Assistant Professor since 5th August 2014
2. CSIR - CMERI Durgapur, Research Associate (December 2012 - 4th August 2014)
Materials Characterization, Casting, Alloy Development, Composite Materials (MMCs)
1. Manufacturing Processes (MMC 501)
2. Corrosion Engineering (MME 717)
3. Basic Manufacturing Process (MMO 541)
4. Matal Joining (MM820)
5. Material Science (MM 631)
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
ID | Details | Year |
2020 | 1. Advent of a wide-band-gap semiconducting low-density material possessing significantly high specific hardness Arvind Kumar Jaiswal, Barnali Maji, Jitamanyu Chakrabarty, Chandan Mondal and Joydeep Maity Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM international, USA xx SCI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-020-04915-6 xx | 2020 |
2020 | 2. Forging technology of high-tin bronzes in ancient Bengal Pranab K. Chattopadhyay, Prasanta Kumar Datta and Barnali Maji Current Science Vol. 118, No. 11, 1822- 1831 SCI xx | 2020 |
2015 | 3. Rheological behavior of semi-solid TiB2 reinforced Al composite S.Thadela, B. Mandal, P.Das, H.Roy, A.K.Lohar, S.K.Samanta Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China Vol.25, 2877-2832 SCI xx | 2015 |
2010 | 4. Hot mold casting process of ancient East India and Bangladesh 1. Barnali Mandal and Prasanta Kumar Datta China Foundry Vol.7, No. 2 , 171-177 SCI xx | 2010 |
ID | Details | Year |
ID | Title |
ID | Details | Patent Filed Year |
1. Warden HALL - 7 since 2019
2. Member, Alumni Committee since 2016
3. Member, Annual Report Committee since 2019
4. Member, Departmental Purchase Committee since 2019
5. Lab. in Charge Metallography Lab., Casting Lab., Heat Treatment Lab. since 2019
6. Faculty Advisor for UG Final year students in the Department of MME.
Mobile : +91-9434788116
Email : barnali.maji@mme.nitdgp.ac.in, barnali.maji04@gmail.com
Orcid Id |
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Google Scholar Id |