About Us
A cell is created by the Board of Governors, NIT Durgapur for the purpose of Promotion of sponsored research & consultancy to meet future needs of India through meaningful education,original research of the highest standard and leadership in technological innovation for the industrial growth of the Country. In addition to offering formal Undergraduate and Post-graduate Programs, the Institute actively encourages its faculty to undertake sponsored research and consultancy projects in order to strengthen the research profile of the Institute. Sponsored research activity of the institute is administered through Sponsored Research and Consultancy Cell (SRCC). The cell looks after the administrative and financial aspects of sponsored research, industrial consultancy, testing and certification, and continuing education. SRCC acts as a facilitating centre in providing assistance for the faculty members of the institute in communicating with the external sponsors, both national and international, and maintaining the accounts from pre-award to post award stage of the project. It also promotes and manages Institute-Industry interactions and all externally funded research and development projects as well as patents. All the Industrial Consultancy Projects are to be registered with the SRCC Cell.The Cell acts as a liaison between the Institute and funding agency to undertake sponsored projects. SRCC shall have total autonomy with respect to the administration of all the sponsored research, industrial consultancy and related matters covered under the SRCC Rules. SRCC shall be headed by Dean (R&C) and shall consist of Associate Dean (R & C), Assistant Registrar (SR&C) and Ministerial & Supporting staff members and also one advisory committee for guidance. The Dean (R&C) will directly report to Director in all SRCC related issues. 
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Senate nominees in the Advisory committee of SRCC
SL. No. Name Department
1 Dr. Dipankar Sukul Chemistry
2 Prof. Susmita Dutta Chemical Engineering
Director's nominees in the Advisory committee of SRCC
SL. No. Name Department
1 Dr. Aniruddha Chandra Electronic & Communication Engineering
2 Dr. Sayantari Ghosh Physics


Contact Us 
Name : Prof. Kartik Chandra Ghanta
Dean (Research & Consultancy)
Email :
Phone : +91-9434788020

Name : Dr. Soumen Basu
Associate Dean (Research & Consultancy)
Phone : +91-9434788198

Name: Dr. Abhiram Hens
Associate Dean (Research & Consultancy)
Phone: +91-9434789040