M.E. (2009)
B.Tech (2007)
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, 31/03/2010 - till date
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
1 | STEM accessibility (from web) for the visually impaired | Dr. Abhijit Sharma | Dr. Suvrojit Das | TCS | 2,786,300 | Sponsored | Ongoing | 2021-09-01 | 2023-08-31 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
1 | STEM accessibility (from web) for the visually impaired | Dr. Abhijit Sharma | Dr. Suvrojit Das | TCS | 2,786,300 | Sponsored | Ongoing | 2021-09-01 | 2023-08-31 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
ID | Details | Year |
2017 | 1. Recent Progress and Challenges on Vehicular Mesh Networks: A Survey Shubhashish Behera, Abhijit Sharma and Uma Bhattacharya Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol. 12, No. 11, pages 3014-3021 SCOPUS 10.3923/jeasci.2017.3014.3021 Medwell Journals | 2017 |
2016 | 2. CAC_DPLB_MCN: A Distributed Load Balancing scheme in Multimedia Mobile Cellular Networks 3. Abhijit Sharma, Arvind Shah, Monish Chatterjee and Uma Bhattacharya Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Vol. 41, No. 4, pages 261-296 ESCI Poznań University of Technology | 2016 |
2015 | 3. Adaptive Call Admission Control Scheme with Optimal Resource Allocation for Multi-Class Cellular Networks 2. A. Sharma, P. Kar, P. Biswas and U. Bhattacharya International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS) Vol. 39, No. 4, pages 301-318 SCOPUS 10.1504/IJAACS.2015.073192 Inderscience Publishers | 2015 |
2014 | 4. Reducing call blocks in cellular network with non-uniform traffic conditions Abhijit Sharma, Pratik Sharma, Rituparna Chaki and Uma Bhattacharya Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Vol. 39, No. 4, pages 301-318 ESCI Poznań University of Technology | 2014 |
2013 | 5. Fault Tolerant Routing for Minimizing Congestion in WDM Optical Networks Based on de Bruijn Graph M. Chatterjee, A. Sharma and U. Bhattacharya The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks (MEDJCN) Vol.9, No.3, pages 89-96 Others SoftMotor Ltd | 2013 |
2011 | 6. Call Blocking Performance of New Reservation based Channel Assignment Scheme in Cellular Networks Abhijit Sharma and Deepak Kumar International Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 2, No. 2, pages 6-9 Others Foundation of Computer Science | 2011 |
ID | Details | Year |
2017 | 1.A. Choudhury, A. Sharma and U. Bhattacharya, "A survey on location management in LTE network," 2017 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI), Tirunelveli, 2017, pp. 278-283. doi: 10.1109/ICOEI.2017.8300932 Tirunelveli | 2017 |
2017 | 2.A. K. Bhore, A. Sharma and U. Bhattacharya, "Multi-criteria mobile gateway selection approach in vehicular internet," 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Chennai, 2017, pp. 2051-2055. doi: 10.1109/ICCSP.2017.8286764 Chennai, India | 2017 |
2016 | 3.Arvind Kumar Shah, Sohini Roy, Abhijit Sharma and Uma Bhattacharya, “A High Throughput Internet Access Protocol (HTIAP) for Moving Things in Smart Cities”, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Jaipur, India, pp 365 – 371, September 21-24, 2016. Jaipur, India | 2016 |
2015 | 4.P. Saha, D. Kumar and A. Sharma, “Implementation of High Speed Processor for Computing Convolution Sum for DSP Applications”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM IMCOM 2015), Bali, Indonesia, pp 1 – 6, Jan 2015. Bali, Indonesia | 2015 |
2015 | 5.Sohini Roy, Abhijit Sharma and Uma Bhattacharya, “MoveFree: A ubiquitous system to provide women safety”, Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2015), Kochi, Kerala, India, pp 545-552, August 10-13, 2015. Kochi, Kerala, India | 2015 |
2015 | 6.D. Kumar, A. Sharma and P. Saha, “Integer Division Technique for Signal Processing Applications”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM IMCOM 2015), Bali, Indonesia, pp 1 – 4, Jan 2015. Bali, Indonesia | 2015 |
2015 | 7.Abantika Choudhury, Abhijit Sharma and Uma Bhattacharya, “Overview on Location Management in PCS Network: A Survey”, Springer proceedings of 3rd ICACNI 2015, KIIT University, India, pp 359-364, 23-25 June 2015. KIIT University, India | 2015 |
2014 | 8.A. Sharma, S. Konai and U. Bhattacharya, “New Call and Handoff Call Management Scheme for Reuse Partitioning Based Cellular Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014), Jaipur, India, pp. 1-7, 09-11 May 2014. Jaipur, India | 2014 |
2013 | 9.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Uma Bhattacharya, “Load Balancing Scheme for Wireless Cellular Networks”, In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Article 43, pp. 1-6, 2013. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia | 2013 |
2012 | 10.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Avijit Roy, Suman Ghosal, Rituparna Chaki, Uma Bhattacharya, “Load Balancing in Cellular network: A Review”, 3rd International Conference on Computing Communication & Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Coimbatore, pp.1,5, 26-28 July 2012. Coimbatore, India | 2012 |
2011 | 11.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Rituparna Chaki, Uma Bhattacharya, “Applications of Wireless Sensor Network in Intelligent Traffic System: A Review”, 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), Kanyakumari, India, 53 - 57, 2011. Kanyakumari, India | 2011 |
2011 | 12.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Deepak Kumar, “Reducing Call Blocking Probability in Cellular Networks – A New Scheme”, 2nd National Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, Rourkela, India, 2011. Rourkela, India | 2011 |
2011 | 13.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Uma Bhattacharya, “A New Channel Reservation Scheme to Reduce Call Blocking in Cellular Networks”, International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (iCOST), Shanghai, China, pp. 42 – 47, 2011. Shanghai, China | 2011 |
2010 | 14.Deepak Kumar, ABHIJIT SHARMA, Kishore Ghosh, "Attribute selection Based on Rough Set and Fuzzy-Rough set Approach", National Conference on Resent Trends in Engineering & Technology including Non-conventional Energy (RTETNE), pp 14, 10th April, 2010, Malda, West Bengal, India. Malda, India. | 2010 |
2010 | 15.Monish Chatterjee, Ankur Paul, Somarka Chakravarti, ABHIJIT SHARMA, Tanmay Karmy, Uma Bhattacharya,"New Strategies for Efficient Traffic Grooming with Assured Survivability in De Brujn WDM Networks", IEEE TENCON, Fukuoka, Japan, pp 823-828, 2010. Fukuoka, Japan | 2010 |
2010 | 16.ABHIJIT SHARMA, Uma Bhattacharya, "Routing in De Bruijn WDM Networks with Reduced Congestion", 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 29-31 July 2010, Karur, TamilNadu, India, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6592-7. Karur, India | 2010 |
2009 | 17.Monish Chatterjee, ABHIJIT SHARMA, Uma Bhattacharya, "Congestion Optimized Routing in Unidirectional de Bruijn WDM networks in Presence of Node Faults", IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT 2009), St. Petersburg, Russia, pp 1-6, IEEE Press, 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345588 St. Petersburg, Russia | 2009 |
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