Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Details

Ankush Acharyya Assistant Professor
Joined the Institute in December 2022
Work Experiences

Assistant Professor: NIT Durgapur, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (December 2022-till date)

Assistant Professor: IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Dept. of Mathematics and Computing (December 2021-December 2022)

Post Doctoral Fellow: Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Computer Science (August 2019- December 2021)
                                Project Title: Structural Properties of visibility in terrains and farthest color Voronoi diagrams
                                Fund: Czech Science Foundation and ICS fellowship

Research Interest
Design and analysis of Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Approximation Algorithms

@IIT (ISM) Dhanbad

Computer Organization and Architecture (Int. MTech.-3rd semester) 2022-Monsoon

@NIT Durgapur

Digital Computer Design (Open Elective) 2023

UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

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Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


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Academic Identity

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