Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Details

Goutam Sarker Associate Professor
Joined the Institute in July, 1998

Ph.D. in Machine Learning  [1994] ( Artificial Intelligence) as Full Time Research Fellow in  Computer Sc. & Engg. Dept.(1994) of  Jadavpur University

M.E. with Specialization in Computer Science and Engineering (1986) from Jadavpur Univerisity.

B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (1982) from Jadavpur University.

Senior Member of IEEE (USA) since 2009.

Life Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (I) [ FIE(I) ] since 2008.

Life Fellow of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers(I) [ FIETE(I) ] since 2009.

Chartered Engineer of The Institution of Engineers (I) [ C.Engg (I) ] since 1992.

Life Member of Computer Society of India [ CSI ] since 2018.

Work Experiences

( A Total 28 Years Post Ph.D. Teaching and Research Experience )

1. Associate Professor from 27.10.2009 to Continuing in CSE Dept. NIT Durgapur

2. Assistant Professor from 27.12.2006 to 26.10.2009 in CSE Dept. NIT Durgapur

3. Lecturer / Sr. Lecturer from 13.07.1998 to 26.12.2006 in CSE Dept. NIT Durgapur

4. Lecturer from 18.02.1998 to 11.07.1998 in CSE Dept. ISM Dhanbad

5. Lecturer from 01.08.1997 to 17.02.1998 in Dept. of Tech Edn. Govt. of W.B.

6. Lecturer from 18.05.1994 to 05.05.1997 in IIT Kharagpur

7. Design Engineer Trainee form 03.08.1982 to 16.11. 1983 in Electronics Divn. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Hyderabad


Research Interest


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Applications of AI and Machine Leraning in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Applications of Machine Learning in Automated Expert Systems

Convolution Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Biometric based Person  Authentication

Text & Image Categorization and Summarization.

Machine Transcription

Pattern Recognition & Iamge Understanding.

Data Warehousing & Data Mininng 

ORCID : 0000-0002-9510-6777


(Twenty Five (28) Years Post Ph.D Teaching & Research Experiennce)

1. Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and Machine Learning

2. Applied Artificial Intelligence

3. Pattern Recognition.

4. Data Mining

5. Image Processing & Computer Vision.

6. Research Methodology

7. Compiler Design.

8. System Programming & Operating Systems.

9. Data Structure.          

10. Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Lab.

11. Internet Programming Lab.

12. Compiler Design Lab.



UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

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Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


Scopus h-index
Awards and Recognitions


Administrative Responsibilities



Mobile : +91-9434788025
Email :,




Academic Identity

Scopus Id
Researcher Id
Google Scholar Id