
Faculty Details

Partha Pratim Gopmandal Assistant Professor
Joined the Institute in 2018

Ph. D (IIT Kharagpur)

M. Sc (University of Burdwan)

B. Sc. (JK College Purulia, University of Burdwan)

Work Experiences

Asst. Prof. (Dec 2018 till date) Department of Mathematics, NIT Durgapur

Asst. Prof. (Oct 2014-Dec 2018) Department of Mathematics, NIT Patna

Post Doc. RA (Dec 2013-Oct 2014) School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering , Washington State University, Pullman, USA

Research Interest
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Micro/Nanofluidics Modeling
  • General Convective-Diffusion-Electromigration processes
  • Numerics for ODE and PDE
  1. Research Grant from DST-SERB (File no- YSS/2015/000468), Amount-16.27 Lakh INR(Jan 2016-Jan 2019). Title of the project "Modulation of electroosmoticflow through nanochannel".
  2. Research Initiation Grant, funded by NIT Durgapur, Amount-5 Lakh INR, (April-2019 -April-2021). Title of the project: "Streaming potential through nanofluidic channel with effects of ion partitioning and ion size".
  3. Research Grant from DST-SERB (File no- MTR/2018/001021), Amount-6.60 Lakh INR, (May 2019-May 2022).Title of the project "Development of hybrid numerical tools to study the electrokinetic transport of bio-colloids".



Asst. Prof., NIT Durgapur (From 12/12/2018 to till date)

Asst. Prof., NIT Patna (From 16/10/2014 to 11/12/2018)


UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

Paramita Mahapatra

Paramita Mahapatra

Completed (Date of viva voce-01/03/2024)
Present Position: Postdoctoral Researcher  at Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of McGill University, Canada.
Thesis Title: Electrophoresis of fluid droplets and functionalized nanoparticles: Analytical approach
Paramita Mahapatra

Paramita Mahapatra

Completed (Date of viva voce-01/03/2024)

Present Position: Postdoctoral Researcher  at Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of McGill University, Canada.

Thesis Title: Electrophoresis of fluid droplets and functionalized nanoparticles: Analytical approach
Sourav Chowdhury

Sourav Chowdhury

SRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing
Research Topic: Electrophoresis of bio-colloids and electroosmotic flow through microdevices
Sourav Chowdhury

Sourav Chowdhury

SRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing

Research Topic: Electrophoresis of bio-colloids and electroosmotic flow through microdevices

Susmita Samanta

Susmita Samanta

SRF (UGC); Status-Ongoing
Research Topic: Electroviscous effects of colloidal suspension 
Susmita Samanta

Susmita Samanta

SRF (UGC); Status-Ongoing

Research Topic: Electroviscous effects of colloidal suspension 

Saurabh Kumar Maurya

Saurabh Kumar Maurya

Completed (Date of viva voce-16/12/2019);
  Present Position:  Asst. Prof., Dept. of Maths, VIT Bhopal. 
Thesis Title: Electrokinetics of Bio-particles: Semi-Analytical Approach.
Saurabh Kumar Maurya

Saurabh Kumar Maurya

Completed (Date of viva voce-16/12/2019);

  Present Position:  Asst. Prof., Dept. of Maths, VIT Bhopal. 

Thesis Title: Electrokinetics of Bio-particles: Semi-Analytical Approach.
Binod Kumar

Binod Kumar

Completed (Date of viva voce-24/03/2021)

Thesis title: Electrophoresis of Colloids and Electroosmotic Flow through Narrow Confinements
Binod Kumar

Binod Kumar

Completed (Date of viva voce-24/03/2021)

Thesis title: Electrophoresis of Colloids and Electroosmotic Flow through Narrow Confinements


Completed (Date of viva voce-21/12/2021)
 Present Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow  at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway. 
Thesis Title: Electrophoresis of Weakly Charged Colloidal Particles in Continuum Medium.


Completed (Date of viva voce-21/12/2021)

 Present Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow  at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway. 

Thesis Title: Electrophoresis of Weakly Charged Colloidal Particles in Continuum Medium.
Jhulan Acharya

Jhulan Acharya

SRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing
Electrokinetic transport of colloidal particles under applied potential gradient
Jhulan Acharya

Jhulan Acharya

SRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing

Electrokinetic transport of colloidal particles under applied potential gradient

Baisakhi Pal

Baisakhi Pal

JRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing
Electrokinetic transport phenomena: Fundamentals to applications
Baisakhi Pal

Baisakhi Pal

JRF (Institute); Status-Ongoing

Electrokinetic transport phenomena: Fundamentals to applications


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Development of hybrid numerical tools to study the electrokinetic transport of bio-colloids Partha Pratim Gopmandal DST-SERB (File no- MTR/2018/001021) 6,600,000 Sponsored May 2019 May 2022
2 Modulation of electroosmoticflow through nanochannel Partha Pratim Gopmandal DST-SERB (File no- YSS/2015/000468) 1,627,000 Sponsored Jan 2016 Jan 2019
3 Streaming potential through nanofluidic channel with effects of ion partitioning and ion size Partha Pratim Gopmandal NIT Durgapur 500,000 Sponsored April-2019 April-2021


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Development of hybrid numerical tools to study the electrokinetic transport of bio-colloids Partha Pratim Gopmandal DST-SERB (File no- MTR/2018/001021) 6,600,000 Sponsored May 2019 May 2022
2 Modulation of electroosmoticflow through nanochannel Partha Pratim Gopmandal DST-SERB (File no- YSS/2015/000468) 1,627,000 Sponsored Jan 2016 Jan 2019
3 Streaming potential through nanofluidic channel with effects of ion partitioning and ion size Partha Pratim Gopmandal NIT Durgapur 500,000 Sponsored April-2019 April-2021


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


Scopus h-index
Administrative Responsibilities

DAC Coordinator- July 2019-July 2023

Warden, Hall-3, Jan 2022-till Date


Mobile : +91-9434789046
Email :


About Dr. Gopmandal

Dr. Partha P. Gopmandal is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, West Bengal, India (December 2018- till date). Formerly he has worked as an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department of NIT Patna, Bihar, India (2014-18). Gopmandal did his Masters in Applied Mathematics from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal and subsequently qualified the National Eligibility Test with CSIR fellowship, to pursue the Ph. D.  Thereafter, he joined in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India for his doctoral research (2009-13). Later, he worked in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Washington State University, Pullman, USA, as a Post-Doctoral research associate (2013-14).  Gopmandal has research interest in the area of colloid and interface science, including theoretical and computational modelling.  His research mainly focuses on (a) Electrophoresis/ Diffusiophoresis/ Sedimentation of various type of biocolloids and nanoparticulates, (b) Modulation of electroosmotic flow through microfluidic devices, (c) Streaming potential mediated energy conversion through engineered nanochannel.  He has published 60+ articles in International Journals of high repute. All of his articles are appearing in highly reputed international journals like --Proceedings of Royal Society-A (The Royal Society) [1], Soft Matter (Royal Society of Chemistry) [6], Langmuir (American Chemical Society) [9], Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society) [1], Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Cambridge University Press) [1], Physical Review E (American Physical Society) [4],   Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (Elsevier) [1],  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Elsevier) [1],  Physics of Fluids  (American Institute of Physics) [3], Journal of Molecular Liquids  (Elsevier) [1], Colloid and Surfaces A (Elsevier) [4], Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics  (Elsevier) [1], Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier) [1], Chemical Physics (Elsevier) [1], Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier) [1], Journal of Fluids Engineering (American Society of Mechanical Engineering) [1], ELECTROPHORESIS (Wiley) [7], European Physical Journal E (Spinger) [1], Colloid and Polymer Science (Springer) [14], Transport in Porous Media (Springer) [1], Meccanica (Springer) [1], Journal of Turbulence [1], Hear Transfer Research [1], etc. [Note that the numbers X appearing as [X] refers the number of publications in respective journals]

Please visit Google Scolar ID for publication details. 

There are immediate openings for multiple Ph. D/ Postdoc positions on mathematical modelling and numerical/theoretical methods development in the mentioned research areas (a-c).   Interested candidates should approach Dr. Gopmandal.

Academic Identity

Orcid Id
Scopus Id
Researcher Id