B. E. in Mechanical Engineering (NIT Agartala), (2005-2009)
M.tech in Thermal Sc. and Engineering (NIT Agartala), (2009-2011)
Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering (NIT Agartala), (2012-2017)
Worked as an Assistant Professor in NIT Agartala from August, 2011 to October, 2018.
Fluid flow, Heat transfer, Microchannel, Forced convection, Natural convection, Multiphase flow
Under graduate level
Engineering Mechanics,
Engineering Graphics,
Fluid Mechanics,
Numerical Analysis and computer programming.
Post graduate level
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Applied computational Method
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
ID | Details | Year |
2021 | 1. Designing Interrupted Microchannel Heat Sink with Ribbed Microchambers by Single and Bi-objective Optimizations of Numerical Results Aparesh Datta, Santosh Sah, Arindam Majumder, Nirmalendu Biswas, Dipankar Sanyal Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry waiting SCIE https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10973-020-10510-7 | 2021 |
2020 | 2. Role of aspiration to enhance MHD convection in protruded heater cavity (Link) Nirmalendu Biswas, Nirmal K Manna, Aparesh Datta, Dipak Kumar Mandal, Ali Cemal Benim Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal 20 SCIE DOI: 10.1504/PCFD.2020.111408 Inderscience | 2020 |
2020 | 3. The Role of Flow Structures on the Thermal Performance of Microchannels With Wall Features (Link) Aparesh Datta, Dipak Debbarma, Nirmalendu Biswas, Dipankar Sanyal, Ajoy Kumar Das Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 13 SCIE https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4047709 ASME | 2020 |
2020 | 4. Identifying improved microchannel configuration with triangular cavities and different rib structures through evaluation of thermal performance and entropy generation number(Link) Sikdar, P., Datta, A., Biswas, N. and Sanyal, D. Physics of Fluid 32 SCI https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5137842 AMER INST PHYSICS | 2020 |
2020 | 5. Experimental study of pool boiling heat transfer on an annealed TiO2 Nanofilm Heating Surface. (Link) Sudev Das, Johnsan R, Sujith Kumar, Aparesh Datta Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 144&1073–1082 SCIE Springer | 2020 |
2020 | 6. Thermo-bioconvection of oxytactic microorganisms in porous media in the presence of magnetic field (Link) Nirmalendu Biswas , Aparesh Datta ,Nirmal K. Manna, Dipak Kumar Mandal and Rama Subba Reddy Gorla International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2020 SCIE https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-07-2020-0410 Emerald | 2020 |
2019 | 7. A Review of Liquid Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels with Emphasis to Electronic Cooling(Link) Datta, A., Sanyal, D., Agrawal, A., Das, A.K., Sadhana 44 SCIE https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12046-019-1201-2 Springer | 2019 |
2019 | 8. Conjugate heat transfer analysis of performance for rectangular microchannel with trapezoidal cavities and ribs. (Link) Datta, A., Sharma, V., Sanyal, D. and Das, P International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Elsevier) 138, pp. 425-446. SCIE https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.12.020 (Elsevier) | 2019 |
2018 | 9. Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer of Flow Between Parallel Plates Having Rectangular Shape Micromixer. (Link) Shyam, S., Datta, A. and Das, A.K., Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (ASME) 10(1), p.011003. SCIE https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4036769 ASME | 2018 |
2017 | 10. Multi-Objective Optimization of Laminar Heat Transfer and Friction Factor in Rectangular Microchannel With Rectangular Vortex Generators: An Application of NSGA-II With Gene Expression Programing Metamodel.(Link) Datta, A., Das, A.K., Dey, P. and Sanyal, D. Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME) 139(7), p.072401. SCI https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4035890 ASME | 2017 |
2016 | 11. Numerical investigation of heat transfer in microchannel using inclined longitudinal vortex generator (Link) Datta, A., Sanyal, D. and Das, A.K., Applied Thermal Engineering 108, pp.1008-1019. SCIE https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.07.165 Elsevier | 2016 |
2015 | 12. A Numerical Approach For Modelling Thermal Profiles And Effects Of Process Parameters On It In Submerged Arc Welding Of Aisi 1518 Grade Steel. A Sarkar, A., Datta, A., Dey, P., Rai, R.N. And Saha, S.C Journal Of Thermal Engineering 1 SCOPUS Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi | 2015 |
2013 | 13. A Simplified Numerical Approach for Finding the Temperature Distribution in Submerged arc Welding Process. In Advanced Materials Research (). Trans Tech Publications Datta, A., Debbarma, S. and Saha, S.C., 2013. In Advanced Materials Research Vol. 622, pp. 315-318 Others Trans Tech Publications | 2013 |
ID | Details | Year |
ID | Title |
ID | Details | Patent Filed Year |
Mobile : +91-9774958370
Email : aparesh.datta@me.nitdgp.ac.in
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