Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Details

Deepak Kumar Assistant Professor
Joined the Institute in 2014

PhD, Mechanical Engineering, 2022, (IIT Guwahati, India)
M.Tech, Mechanical Engineering  (Fluids and Thermal Engineering),  2016, (IIT Guwahati, India)
B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, 2014, (NIT Jamshedpur, India)

Work Experiences

9 years of teaching experience at NIT Durgapur

Research Interest

Flow Instability, Bluff body flows, Vortex Shedding


Capacity building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology) Ongoing 

under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology


UG Subjects:

Engineering Graphics, Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Thermodynamics, Power Plant Engineering 

Thermal Engineering II, Thermal Engineering I - Sessional

Theory of Machines Sessional

Machine Design Sessional - I, Il


PG Subjects:

Dynamical Systems

UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

Subhash Chandra Paramanik

Subhash Chandra Paramanik

Flow Instability, Vortex Shedding
Subhash Chandra Paramanik

Subhash Chandra Paramanik

Flow Instability, Vortex Shedding

Satrajit Halder

Satrajit Halder

Fluid Dynamics, Bluff Body flows
Satrajit Halder

Satrajit Halder

Fluid Dynamics, Bluff Body flows


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Self-sensing of ground proximity of multi-copter UAV and adjustment of auto-landing speed for minimizing chances of crash-landing Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Deepak Kumar Dr. Sujoy Saha Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 250,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2024-01-10 2025-01-11
2 Capacity building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology) Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Deepak Kumar Dr. Jayati Dey Dr. Aritro Dey Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 15,090,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2022-09-12 2027-09-12


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Self-sensing of ground proximity of multi-copter UAV and adjustment of auto-landing speed for minimizing chances of crash-landing Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Deepak Kumar Dr. Sujoy Saha Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 250,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2024-01-10 2025-01-11
2 Capacity building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology) Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Deepak Kumar Dr. Jayati Dey Dr. Aritro Dey Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 15,090,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2022-09-12 2027-09-12


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


Scopus h-index
Administrative Responsibilities
Associate Dean (SW) (From 21st June 2024)
Faculty Advisor of  Mechanical Engineering Students’ Association (MESA)
Institute Food and Canteen Tender committee
Member of Common Hostel Account
Convener of the Garbage’s Vats/Bins committee
Sports  Secretary  of Faculty Club
Warden of Hall 2 (22nd Nov 2022 to 20th June 2024)

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Academic Identity

Scopus Id
Researcher Id
Google Scholar Id