Right to Information


1. About Act
1.1 Name & Title of the Act Right to Information Act.2005
Right to Information Act.2012
1.2 Definition Right to Information means the right to inspection of work, documents, records taking notes, extracts or, certified copies of documents or records; taking certified samples of material; obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device subject to relevant provisions in this regard.
1.3 Objective/purpose of the Act To provide available information of the Institute as enshrined in RTI ACT to the Indian citizen on payment of prescribed fees.
1.4 Users Citizen of India.


2. Name and Address of Central Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority

Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)
Mr. Debashish Mondal
Assistant Registrar
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue Durgapur-713209,
West Bengal, India
Phone Number 0343-2752008
Email: ar.rsl@nitdgp.ac.in

First Appellate Authority
Professor Shibendu Shekhar Roy
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue Durgapur-713213,
West Bengal, India
Emial: registrar@nitdgp.ac.in
3. Act and statues of the Institute
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3.2 the National Institutes of Technology Pdf Form (Amendment) Act, 2012
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3.3 First Statutes of N.I.Ts
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3.4 First Statutes of National Institute Pdf Form of Technology (Amendent) Statutes, 2017
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3.5 Amendments in the Statutes of NITs and IIEST, shibpur
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4. About Organisation
4.1 Vision, Mission and key Objection

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4.2 Functions and Duties
As per Act and Statutes of the Institute
4.3 Powers and duties of its officers and employees

As per Clause 17 of National Institute of Technology Act, 2007 Director is the Principal Academic and executive officer of the Institute and is responsible for administration of the Institute and for imparting instructions and maintenance of discipline therein. Subject to the budget provisions made for the specific purpose the Director has the power to incur expenditure in accordance with the procedure and guidelines laid down by Board of Governors and MHRD, GOI. As per Clause 18 of National Institute of Technology Act, 2007 The Registrar of the Institute is the custodial of records, the common seal, the funds of the Institute and such other property of the Institute. He is responsible to the Director for the proper discharge of his functions. Other officers and staff members of the Institute are responsible for the functions and duties assigned to them by the Director from time to time

4.4 The procedure followed in the decision making Process, including channels of supervision and accountability.

As per the NIT Act, 2007, different committees of the Institute such as Finance Committee and Building and Works Committee are empowered in decision making in their respective fields. The Board of Governors is the final authority in supervising all the activities and decisions taken at different levels. The Institute is administered by the Director and assisted by six Deans, Registrar, Deputy Registrars and Assistant Registrar who carry out different functions and responsibilities as laid down in the NIT Act, 2007 and NIT Statutes, 2009 and by the Board of Governors from time to time. Senate is the highest Academic Authority of the Institute and is empowered to take all decisions regarding academic matters. The recommendations of the Senate are finally considered by the Board of Governors.

4.5 The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.

Norms set by the MHRD, Govt. of India and the Board of Governors are used for discharge of administrative functions of the Institute. UGAC, PGAC and BOS (Research) recommend norms for implementation in UG, PG and Research programmes respectively. However all the norms and standards for all academic programmes are finally considered by the Senate.

5. Statement of categories of documents held by the organisation or under its control :
5.1 Minutes of the meeting of Board of Governors
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5.2 Minutes of the meeting of Finance Committee
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5.3 Minutes of the meeting of Building & Works committee
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5.4 Minutes of the meeting of the Senate
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5.5 Annual Reports of the Institute
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5.6 Audit Reports of the Institute
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6. Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof:
Public representation in formulation of policy and its implementation is ensured through Board of Governors, Finance Committee and Building and Works Committee of the Institute which are represented by members from different fields such as academics, industries and government. These committees are the highest policy making authorities of the Institute. The Senate, the highest academic body of the Institute is also represented by members from academics and industries.
7. Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made:
Annual Accounts Reports of the Institute
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9. RTI Application Status
SL. NO. RTI Request No. Request Details Request Date Reply Details Reply Date
1 RTI Q 177 RTI Q 177 2020-01-15 RTI R 177 2020-01-31
2 RTI Q 175 RTI Q 175 2020-01-13 RTI R 175 2020-02-03
3 RTI Q 174 RTI Q 174 2020-01-10 RTI R 174 2020-02-03
4 RTI Q 173 RTI Q 173 2020-01-08 RTI R 173 2020-02-03
5 RTI Q FAA_23 RTI Q FAA 23 2019-12-12 RTI R FAA 23 2019-12-19