Civil Engineering

Faculty Details

Atul Krishna Banik Professor
Joined the Institute in 2008

•Ph. D. (Structural Engineering)– Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

•M. Tech. (Structural Engineering) - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

•B. Tech. (Civil Engineering) - National Institute of Technology (REC) Calicut.

Work Experiences

Teaching Experience:   Total:  28 years; Post PhD:  17 years

•Lecturer: 5 years (NIT Silchar, May 1994 to May 1999),

•Sr. Lecturer: 6 years (NIT Silchar, May 1999 to August 2005),

•Assistant Professor: 3 years (NIT Silchar & NIT Durgapur, August 2005 to August 2008),

• Associate Professor: 10 years (approx.) (NIT Durgapur, August 2008 to October 2018),

• Professor:(NIT Durgapur,  October 2018 to Till date)

Research Interest

1. Nonlinear dynamics & control, 2. Coupled analysis of compliant platforms, 3. Progressive collapse analysis of semi rigid jointed frames, 4 Floating offshore wind turbines

Title Investigator Co-investigator Sponsered Agency Duration Status

Description of the projects


Year of Sanction

Funded by and Grant No.

Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Deep Water Floating Facilities

10 lacs



Grant No. NITD/Regis/OR/25

Prospects and study of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) platforms for wind energy harnessing

8.5 lacs


Department of Science & Technology, Higher Education, Govt. of WB,

Grant No.



UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

Swarnadip Dey

Swarnadip Dey

PhD (Completed)
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine-Stability Designs
A study of stability designs of the different types of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) system by integrated-coupled analysis under environmental loadings
Swarnadip Dey

Swarnadip Dey

PhD (Completed)

Floating Offshore Wind Turbine-Stability Designs

A study of stability designs of the different types of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) system by integrated-coupled analysis under environmental loadings
Saikat Suvra Mondal

Saikat Suvra Mondal

PhD (Submitted)
Control and Dynamic Stability
Active, Passive Control and Dynamic Stability of Nonlinear Flexible Systems
Saikat Suvra Mondal

Saikat Suvra Mondal

PhD (Submitted)

Control and Dynamic Stability

Active, Passive Control and Dynamic Stability of Nonlinear Flexible Systems
Aman Kumar

Aman Kumar

PhD (Ongoing)

Aman Kumar

Aman Kumar

PhD (Ongoing)

Shovan Roy

Shovan Roy

PhD (Completed)
Coupled Nonlinear Analysis of Floating Offshore Structures
Shovan Roy

Shovan Roy

PhD (Completed)

Coupled Nonlinear Analysis of Floating Offshore Structures

Milan Bandyopadhyay

Milan Bandyopadhyay

PhD (Completed)
Progressive Collapse of Semi-Rigid jointed Steel Frame Buildings
Milan Bandyopadhyay

Milan Bandyopadhyay

PhD (Completed)

Progressive Collapse of Semi-Rigid jointed Steel Frame Buildings

Mohamed Ahmed Galal

Mohamed Ahmed Galal

PhD (Completed)
A study of progressive collapse of steel-concrete composite buildings under blast loading
Mohamed Ahmed Galal

Mohamed Ahmed Galal

PhD (Completed)

A study of progressive collapse of steel-concrete composite buildings under blast loading

Ranjan K Mitra

Ranjan K Mitra

PhD (Completed)
Control, Anti-control and Dynamic Stability of Vibrations under Time-Delayed Feedback
Ranjan K Mitra

Ranjan K Mitra

PhD (Completed)

Control, Anti-control and Dynamic Stability of Vibrations under Time-Delayed Feedback


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Prospects and study of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) platforms for wind energy harnessing Atul Krishna Banik Department of Science & Technology, Higher Education, Govt. of WB, Grant No. 254(Sanc.)/ST/P/S&T/4G-07/2017 850,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2017-2018
2 Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Deep Water Floating Facilities Atul Krishna Banik NITD, Grant No. NITD/Regis/OR/25 1,000,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2014-2015


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Prospects and study of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) platforms for wind energy harnessing Atul Krishna Banik Department of Science & Technology, Higher Education, Govt. of WB, Grant No. 254(Sanc.)/ST/P/S&T/4G-07/2017 850,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2017-2018
2 Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Deep Water Floating Facilities Atul Krishna Banik NITD, Grant No. NITD/Regis/OR/25 1,000,000 Sponsored Ongoing 2014-2015


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


Scopus h-index
Awards and Recognitions
Academic achievements
•G. M. Natwathe Awards Best Paper Award by Indian Society for Hydraulics 2002; Paper title: Dynamic stability analysis of four-point mooring system under periodic wave.
•Best Paper of Session Award, Proc., Int. Conf. on Structural Engineering and Mechanics International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ICSEM 2013) NIT Rourkela, India. Paper Title: Numerical analysis of semi-rigid jointed steel frame using rotational springs
•Awarded International Travel Grant (Office of Naval Research; Courtesy ONRN000140610551) to attend SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS07), Snowbird, Utah, USA; Paper title: Stability analysis of roll motion of a ship in regular seas.
•Nominated member of the academic senate of NIT Silchar, March 2007 – January 2008.
•Chairing sessions for International conferences and reputed conferences Viz. ICSSD 2012, SEC-2014 IIT Delhi, SEC-2016 IIT Madras.
•Expert lectures for different STCs, Workshops  conducted by Institutes and Industries
•Qualified in the National Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, (GATE-1993)
•National Merit Scholarship awarded by the Ministry of Human resources, Govt. of India
Administrative Responsibilities


Position held


NIT Silchar


Vice Chairman (Academic and admission)


Chairman; Associate Dean (Academic and Admission)


NIT Durgapur

Member Working group-I (Civil works: Long term Projects, Construction and renovation)


Convener Civil Works

2014-till date

Member, Working group-II


Nodal Officer, TEQIP-II


Chairman ( I-I-I) TEQIP-II


Convener (Institutional Purchase Committee, TEQIP-II)


Nodal (Academic), TEQIP-III


Data Auditor, NPIU, New Delhi



HOD Civil Engineering



Associate Dean (P&D)


  Chairman (PMQCC), Office of Dean (P&D) 2019-till date
  Chairman (HEFA) 2019-till date


Past Duties and Administrative responsibilities entrusted by the Institute and Department

Warden-Boys’ and Girls’ Hostel, Faculty In charge Guest House, Advanced Computational Laboratory, Member, Library Sub-Committee, TEQIP, Core Committee Member (Procurement), Curriculum Development of M. Tech. Programme, Acted member for a number of different committees in the Institute related to such as AICTE Compliance, NBA Accreditation, TEQIP etc.), DAC Coordinator, UGAC PGAC members, In charges different laboratories, Chairman, Committee Creation for Accommodation for enhanced students intake (Hostel 9), Member of Guest House Service Provider Tender Committee, Co-ordniator-Departmental Academic Committee, Member Secretary, Departmental Research Programme Committee, Member, UGAC & PGAC etc.


Mobile : +91-9434788101
Email :

Academic Identity

Orcid Id
Scopus Id
Researcher Id
Google Scholar Id