Civil Engineering

Faculty Details

Diptesh Das Associate Professor
Joined the Institute in 2000
  • Secondary, 1987

         South Point High School, Kolkata

  • Higher Secondary, 1989

         South Point High School, Kolkata

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), 1993

          Indian Institute of Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur

  • M. Tech (Structural Engineering), 2000

          Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

  • Ph.D (Structural Engineering), 2010

          Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Research Interest
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Passive, Semi-,active and Hybrid Vibration Control
  • Non-linear Analysis of Structures
  • Soil-Structure Interaction
  • Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
  • Offshore Structural Engineering
  • Bridge Engineering
  • Masonry Structures
  • Advanced Structural Analysis
  • Theory of Elastic Stability
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Advanced Structural Mechanics
  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Engineering Mechanics

UG Students

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PG Students

Rajeev Ranjan

Rajeev Ranjan

M.Tech Student
Soil-structure interaction, Base-isolation.
Rajeev Ranjan

Rajeev Ranjan

M.Tech Student

Soil-structure interaction, Base-isolation.

Irfan Hashmee

Irfan Hashmee

M.Tech Student
Structural Dynamics, Base isolation, Pushover Analysis.
Irfan Hashmee

Irfan Hashmee

M.Tech Student

Structural Dynamics, Base isolation, Pushover Analysis.

MD Aman Nimezi

MD Aman Nimezi

M.Tech Student
Dynamic soil-structure interaction, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Bridge engineering.
MD Aman Nimezi

MD Aman Nimezi

M.Tech Student

Dynamic soil-structure interaction, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Bridge engineering.

Aryan Saini

Aryan Saini

M.Tech Student
Earthquake Engineering, Seismic vibration control, Base-isolation, structural dynamics,  Artificial intelligence & Machine learning.
Aryan Saini

Aryan Saini

M.Tech Student

Earthquake Engineering, Seismic vibration control, Base-isolation, structural dynamics,  Artificial intelligence & Machine learning.

Doctoral Students

Dr. B. Neethu

Dr. B. Neethu

PhD awarded, Structural Design Engineer, (ICAD) I Abu Dhabi Business Hub, UAE
Structural Control, Control Algorithm, Dampers, Base Isolation. 
Seismic Vibration Control Techniques for Bridges using MR-Dampers. 
Dr. B. Neethu

Dr. B. Neethu

PhD awarded, Structural Design Engineer, (ICAD) I Abu Dhabi Business Hub, UAE

Structural Control, Control Algorithm, Dampers, Base Isolation. 

Seismic Vibration Control Techniques for Bridges using MR-Dampers. 
Dr. Hasim Ali Khan

Dr. Hasim Ali Khan

PhD awarded, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., GHRCE, Nagpur
Earthquake engineering, Structural health monitoring, Low-cost housing, Masonry buildings, Construction materials.
Dr. Hasim Ali Khan

Dr. Hasim Ali Khan

PhD awarded, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., GHRCE, Nagpur

Earthquake engineering, Structural health monitoring, Low-cost housing, Masonry buildings, Construction materials.

Dr. Debiprasad Das

Dr. Debiprasad Das

Part time PhD Scholar, AEE, CSIR-CMERI

Performance Study of Asymmetric Structure Under Static & Dynamic Loads 
Dr. Debiprasad Das

Dr. Debiprasad Das

Part time PhD Scholar, AEE, CSIR-CMERI

Performance Study of Asymmetric Structure Under Static & Dynamic Loads 
Sukamal K. Ghosh

Sukamal K. Ghosh

Full time PhD Scholar
 Seismic vibration control, Seismic Base-Isolation, Storey Isolation, Soil-Structure Interaction, Optimization, AI & Machine learning, Sustainable Construction Materials,  
Sukamal K. Ghosh

Sukamal K. Ghosh

Full time PhD Scholar

 Seismic vibration control, Seismic Base-Isolation, Storey Isolation, Soil-Structure Interaction, Optimization, AI & Machine learning, Sustainable Construction Materials,  

Shreyasee Sulakshna Sanjay

Shreyasee Sulakshna Sanjay

Full time Ph.D. Scholar
Earthquake engineering, Structural dynamics, Vibration control.  
Shreyasee Sulakshna Sanjay

Shreyasee Sulakshna Sanjay

Full time Ph.D. Scholar

Earthquake engineering, Structural dynamics, Vibration control.  

Arunabh Sen

Arunabh Sen

Part time PhD Scholar

Arunabh Sen

Arunabh Sen

Part time PhD Scholar

Ankita Som

Ankita Som

Part time PhD Scholar, Assistant Engineer, Govt. of Bihar
Structural dynamics, Earthquake engineering, Vibration control, Offshore structure.
Ankita Som

Ankita Som

Part time PhD Scholar, Assistant Engineer, Govt. of Bihar

Structural dynamics, Earthquake engineering, Vibration control, Offshore structure.

Tathagata Banerjee

Tathagata Banerjee

Full time Ph.D. Scholar
Earthquake engineering, Structural dynamics, Vibration control, Bridge engineering, Soil- structure interaction, Structural health monitoring,AI & ML.
Tathagata Banerjee

Tathagata Banerjee

Full time Ph.D. Scholar

Earthquake engineering, Structural dynamics, Vibration control, Bridge engineering, Soil- structure interaction, Structural health monitoring,AI & ML.


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Review/Vetting of design & drawing of 4-lane of Purulia bypass Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A. K. Samanta Project Director, NHAI Durgapur 337,500 Consultancy Ongoing 2022-11-07
2 Consultancy for restoration work of damage S. K. Setu Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta M/S CLW Chittaranjan 563,450 Consultancy Ongoing 2022-01-11
3 Consultation of water storage tank (50000 Gallons). Prof. A.K. Samanta Prof. D.K. Singharoy Dr. Diptesh Das M/S EIPWL Durgapur 70,564 Consultancy Completed 2021-03-12 2021-05-05
4 proof checking & vetting of slope stability at six different chainages in connection with Mathura- Jhansi 3rd line project Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd 221,500 Consultancy Completed 2020-12-01 0021-02-03
5 Proposed cargo terminal building at Agartala airport Prof. A.K. Samanta Dr. Diptesh Das M/S Dilip Ghosh, Usha bazar, Agartala-9 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-16 2020-11-24
6 Proof checking / vetting of erection scheme of road bridge at Gaucher 1x110 span Dr. Diptesh Das Prof A. K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 184,375 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-09 2020-12-10
7 Proof-checking/vetting of erection schemes (cantilever) of Bridge Nos 63D (R2) &76B (R3) Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A. K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-07 2020-11-25
8 Vetting approval of design & drawings of G+5 structure and Transit Block for AAI at Agartala airport, Agartala Prof. A.K. Samanta Dr. Diptesh Das Mr. D. Bhattacharyya, Agartala 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2019-10-30 2019-11-08
9 Proof-checking/vetting of erection schemes (cantilever) of Bridge Nos 76B & 63D Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 265,000 Consultancy Completed 2019-09-30 2020-02-05
10 Proof-checking of erection scheme of Bridge No. 77 of Sambalpur-Titlagarh section, Indian Railways Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 70,800 Consultancy Completed 2018-12-13 2020-02-05


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Review/Vetting of design & drawing of 4-lane of Purulia bypass Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A. K. Samanta Project Director, NHAI Durgapur 337,500 Consultancy Ongoing 2022-11-07
2 Consultancy for restoration work of damage S. K. Setu Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta M/S CLW Chittaranjan 563,450 Consultancy Ongoing 2022-01-11
3 Consultation of water storage tank (50000 Gallons). Prof. A.K. Samanta Prof. D.K. Singharoy Dr. Diptesh Das M/S EIPWL Durgapur 70,564 Consultancy Completed 2021-03-12 2021-05-05
4 proof checking & vetting of slope stability at six different chainages in connection with Mathura- Jhansi 3rd line project Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd 221,500 Consultancy Completed 2020-12-01 0021-02-03
5 Proposed cargo terminal building at Agartala airport Prof. A.K. Samanta Dr. Diptesh Das M/S Dilip Ghosh, Usha bazar, Agartala-9 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-16 2020-11-24
6 Proof checking / vetting of erection scheme of road bridge at Gaucher 1x110 span Dr. Diptesh Das Prof A. K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 184,375 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-09 2020-12-10
7 Proof-checking/vetting of erection schemes (cantilever) of Bridge Nos 63D (R2) &76B (R3) Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A. K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2020-10-07 2020-11-25
8 Vetting approval of design & drawings of G+5 structure and Transit Block for AAI at Agartala airport, Agartala Prof. A.K. Samanta Dr. Diptesh Das Mr. D. Bhattacharyya, Agartala 177,000 Consultancy Completed 2019-10-30 2019-11-08
9 Proof-checking/vetting of erection schemes (cantilever) of Bridge Nos 76B & 63D Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 265,000 Consultancy Completed 2019-09-30 2020-02-05
10 Proof-checking of erection scheme of Bridge No. 77 of Sambalpur-Titlagarh section, Indian Railways Dr. Diptesh Das Prof. A.K. Samanta Rahee Infratech Ltd. 70,800 Consultancy Completed 2018-12-13 2020-02-05


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Administrative Responsibilities

Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs and Outreach)

Professor-in-charge (Academic & Examinations – PG and PhD)

Faculty-in-charge (Scholarship Section)

Warden of Hostels

Deputy Centre-incharge, Centralized Counselling for M.Tech. Admissions (CCMT)

Head of the Department


Mobile : +91-9434788152
Email :,

Academic Identity

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