Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
M.Tech. in Construction Technology and Management from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
B.E. in Civil Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal.
July, 2022 - till date: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India.
June, 2020 - July, 2022: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India.
October, 2018 - February, 2020: Researcher at Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho, Portugal.
July, 2012 - July, 2013: Planning Engineer, Afcons Infrastructure Limited, India.
NIT Durgapur (2022 onwards)
UG Level
PG Level
NIT Calicut (2020-2022)
UG Level
PG Level
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
1 | A Novel Approach for Vegetation Based Clogging Removal of Pervious Paver Block Containing Waste Reclaimed Materials | Dr. Suman Saha | Dr. Sabyasachi Biswas | DSTBT, GoWB | 1,600,000 | Sponsored | Ongoing | 2024-12-06 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
1 | A Novel Approach for Vegetation Based Clogging Removal of Pervious Paver Block Containing Waste Reclaimed Materials | Dr. Suman Saha | Dr. Sabyasachi Biswas | DSTBT, GoWB | 1,600,000 | Sponsored | Ongoing | 2024-12-06 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of the PI | Name of the CoPIs | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) | Project Type | Project Status | Date of Initiation | Date of Completion |
ID | Details | Year |
2023 | 1. Influence of the Mix Parameters on Shrinkage Properties of Environment-Friendly Mortar Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering SCI/SCOPUS | 2023 |
2022 | 2. Experimental Investigations on the Properties of Concrete Containing Pre-Soaked Recycled Fine Aggregate Saha, S., Rajasekaran, C., Ganiger, M. S., and Sajjan, S. The Indian Concrete Journal Vol. 96, No. 9, pp. 1-12. SCOPUS | 2022 |
2021 | 3. A Review On Developments of Environmentally Friendly Geopolymer Technology Krishna, R. S., Mishra, J., Zribi, M., Adeniyi, F., Saha, S., Baklouti, S., Shaikh, F. A. U., and Gökçe, H. S. Materialia 20, 101212 SCI/SCOPUS | 2021 |
2020 | 4. Volume Change Characteristics of Eco-Friendly Mortar Mixes Produced with Geopolymeric Binder and Recycled Fine Aggregate Saha, S., Nisar, SK., and Rajasekaran, C. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48 (1), 692-710 SCI/SCOPUS | 2020 |
2020 | 5. Strength and Shrinkage Properties of Heat Cured Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Mortars Containing Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48 (6), 4735-4747 SCI/SCOPUS | 2020 |
2020 | 6. Performance of Eco-Friendly Mortar Mixes Against Aggressive Environments Saha, S., Rajasekaran, C. and Gupta P. Advances in Concrete Construction 10 (3), 237-245 SCOPUS | 2020 |
2019 | 7. Investigation on the Potential Use of Recycled Fine Aggregate to Produce Geopolymer Mortar Mix Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 8 (1), 207-223 SCOPUS | 2019 |
2017 | 8. Mechanical and Durability Properties of Fly Ash Based Concrete Exposed to Marine Environment Kagadgar, S. A., Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. SSP - Journal of Civil Engineering 12 (1), 7-18 Others | 2017 |
2017 | 9. Enhancement of the Properties of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Paste by Incorporating Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Construction and Building Materials 146, 615-620 SCI/SCOPUS | 2017 |
2016 | 10. Strength Characteristics of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Produced with Portland Slag Cement Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management 6 (1), 70-77 Others | 2016 |
2016 | 11. Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Produced with Portland Pozzolana Cement Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. Advances in Concrete Construction 4 (1), 27-35. SCOPUS | 2016 |
ID | Details | Year |
2023 | 1.Krishna, R. S., Saha, S., Korniejenko, K., Qureshi, T. S. and Mustakim, S. M. (2023) “Investigation on the Electrical Properties of Graphene Reinforced Geopolymer Composites.” 10th Scientific-Technical Conference on Materials Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD’2023) Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland | 2023 |
2023 | 2.Samanta, A. K., Singh, P., Ghosh, S. and Saha, S. (2023) “Utilization of Kaolin Clay as Natural Soil Deposit in Sustainable Mortar Subjected to Elevated Temperature.” 3rd MedGU (MedGU-23), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 26th – 30th November, 2023. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey | 2023 |
2023 | 3.Singh, P., Saha, S., and Samanta, A. K. (2023) “An Experimental Investigation on the Properties of Concrete Using Natural Soil Deposit.” International Conference On Sustainable Infrastructure: Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges – 2023 (SIIOC– 2023), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India, 20th – 21st April, 2023. National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India | 2023 |
2023 | 4.Singh, S., Samanta, A. K., and Saha, S. (2023) “Performance of Mortar Mixes Using Exfoliated Vermiculite Exposed to High-temperature.” International Conference On Sustainable Infrastructure: Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges – 2023 (SIIOC– 2023), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India , 20th– 21st April, 2023. National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India | 2023 |
2022 | 5.Manhanpally, N., Nagarajan, P., Saha, S. and Y. Raja. (2022) “Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of GGBS-Dolomite Geopolymer Concrete Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate.” Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS2022) NIT Calicut, Kerala, India, (jointly Virginia Polytechnic and State University, University of Bath, Monash University, University of New South Wales, Purdue University) | 2022 |
2022 | 6.Manhanpally, N. and Saha, S. (2022). “Benefit Cost Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete Building.” Second International Conference on Materials, Mechanics & Structures (ICMMS2022) National Institute Technology Calicut, Kerala, India | 2022 |
2022 | 7.Manhanpally, N., Nagarajan, P., and Saha, S. (2022) “3D Printed Concrete: A Key to Future Constructions.” 1st International Conference on Noval Sustainable Concepts and Technologies in Civil Engineering St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India | 2022 |
2022 | 8.Naik, B. V., Kishor, Y., Saha, S., and Goudar, S. K. (2022) “Performance Studies on Three Types of Prestressed Concrete Railway Sleepers using Finite Element Model.” Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS2022) NIT Calicut, Kerala, India, (jointly Virginia Polytechnic and State University, University of Bath, Monash University, University of New South Wales, Purdue University) | 2022 |
2021 | 9.Saha, S., (2021). “A Short Review on the Utilization of Basalt Fibres in Concrete.” RILEM-fib X International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete BEFIB2021 Universitat Politècnica deValència, Valencia, Spain | 2021 |
2020 | 10.Kamyar, B. S., Saha, S., Barros, J. A. O., Valente, I. B., Dias, S. and Leite, J. (2020). “Development and Mechanical Characterization of Dry Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pre-Fabricated Prestressed Beams.” RILEM-fib X International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete BEFIB2020 Valencia, Spain | 2020 |
2018 | 11.Saha, S., Rajasekaran, C. and More, A. (2018). “Use of Foundry Sand as Partial Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregate for the Production of Concrete.” International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Building Materials (ICSCBM-2018) National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India | 2018 |
2017 | 12.Saha, S., Rajasekaran, C., and Vinay, K. (2017). “Use of Concrete Wastes as the Partial Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregates in the Production of Concrete.” Global Civil Engineering Conferences (GCEC-2017) Universiti Putra Malaysia, Kualalumpur, Malaysia | 2017 |
2017 | 13.Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. (2017). “Effects of Alkaline Solution on the Properties of Slag Based Geopolymer.” International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICRAMMCE-2017) MLRITM, Hyderabad, India | 2017 |
2017 | 14.Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. (2017). “Effects of Alkaline Solution on the Properties of Slag Based Geopolymer.” International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICRAMMCE-2017) MLRITM, Hyderabad, India | 2017 |
2017 | 15.Kotian, R. S., Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. (2017). “Study on Optimizing the Ratio of Rice Husk Ash to Lateritic Soil for Producing Geopolymeric Interlocking Pavers.” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering – 2017 Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management, Bantakal, Udupi, Karnataka, India | 2017 |
2016 | 16.Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. (2016). “An Experimental Investigation to Determine the Properties of Fly Ash Based Geopolymers as per Indian Standards.” Structural Engineering Convention-2016 CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India | 2016 |
2016 | 17.Apoorva, S., Saha, S., and Rajasekaran, C. (2016). “Experimental Study on Water Absorption and Accelerated Curing Properties of Recycled Aggregates in Concrete.” 5th International Engineering Symposium (IES 2016) Kumamoto University, Japan | 2016 |
2015 | 18.Saha, S., Rajasekaran, C. and Pai, V. T. (2015). “Use of Recycled Coarse Aggregates as an Alternative in Construction Industry – A Review.” 4th International Engineering Symposium (IES 2015) Kumamoto University, Japan | 2015 |
ID | Title |
[Book] Recent
Advances in Mechanics, Materials & Structures (Select Proceedings of
ICMMS2022) |
1. [Book] Recent
Advances in Mechanics, Materials & Structures (Select Proceedings of
ICMMS2022) |
[Book Chapter] Kamyar,
B. S., Saha, S., Barros, J. A. O.,
Valente, I. B., Dias, S. and Leite, J. (2020). “Development and Mechanical
Characterization of Dry Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pre-Fabricated
Prestressed Beams.” In: Serna P., Llano-Torre A., Martí-Vargas J.R., Navarro-Gregori J.
(eds) Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations. BEFIB 2020.
RILEM Bookseries, vol 30. Springer, Cham. |
2. [Book Chapter] Kamyar,
B. S., Saha, S., Barros, J. A. O.,
Valente, I. B., Dias, S. and Leite, J. (2020). “Development and Mechanical
Characterization of Dry Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pre-Fabricated
Prestressed Beams.” In: Serna P., Llano-Torre A., Martí-Vargas J.R., Navarro-Gregori J.
(eds) Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations. BEFIB 2020.
RILEM Bookseries, vol 30. Springer, Cham. |
[Book Chapter] Saha S.
(2022) “A Short Review on the Utilization of Basalt Fibres in Concrete.” In:
Serna P., Llano-Torre A., Martí-Vargas J.R., Navarro-Gregori J. (eds) Fibre
Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations II. BEFIB 2021. RILEM
Bookseries, vol 36. Springer, Cham. |
3. [Book Chapter] Saha S.
(2022) “A Short Review on the Utilization of Basalt Fibres in Concrete.” In:
Serna P., Llano-Torre A., Martí-Vargas J.R., Navarro-Gregori J. (eds) Fibre
Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations II. BEFIB 2021. RILEM
Bookseries, vol 36. Springer, Cham. |
[Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
Rajasekaran, C., and Vinay, K. (2019). “Use of Concrete Wastes as the Partial
Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregates in the Production of Concrete.” In:
Pradhan B. (eds) GCEC 2017. GCEC 2017. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,
Volume 9, Springer Singapore, 407-416 |
4. [Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
Rajasekaran, C., and Vinay, K. (2019). “Use of Concrete Wastes as the Partial
Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregates in the Production of Concrete.” In:
Pradhan B. (eds) GCEC 2017. GCEC 2017. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,
Volume 9, Springer Singapore, 407-416 |
[Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
Rajasekaran, C., and More, A. (2019). “Use of Foundry Sand as Partial
Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregate for the Production of Concrete.” In: Das B., Neithalath N. (eds) Sustainable
Construction and Building Materials, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume
25, Springer Singapore, 61-71. |
5. [Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
Rajasekaran, C., and More, A. (2019). “Use of Foundry Sand as Partial
Replacement of Natural Fine Aggregate for the Production of Concrete.” In: Das B., Neithalath N. (eds) Sustainable
Construction and Building Materials, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume
25, Springer Singapore, 61-71. |
[Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
and Rajasekaran, C. (2019). “An Experimental Investigation to Determine the
Properties of Fly Ash Based Geopolymers as per Indian Standards.” In: Rao A., Ramanjaneyulu K. (eds)
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering - Volume 1, Lecture Notes in Civil
Engineering, Volume 11, Springer
Singapore, 657-668. |
6. [Book Chapter] Saha, S.,
and Rajasekaran, C. (2019). “An Experimental Investigation to Determine the
Properties of Fly Ash Based Geopolymers as per Indian Standards.” In: Rao A., Ramanjaneyulu K. (eds)
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering - Volume 1, Lecture Notes in Civil
Engineering, Volume 11, Springer
Singapore, 657-668. |
[Book Chapter] Manhanpally, N., and Saha, S. (2023). “Benefit Cost Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete Building.” In: Saha, S., Sajith, A.S., Sahoo, D.R., Sarkar, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 269. Springer, Singapore |
7. [Book Chapter] Manhanpally, N., and Saha, S. (2023). “Benefit Cost Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete Building.” In: Saha, S., Sajith, A.S., Sahoo, D.R., Sarkar, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 269. Springer, Singapore |
ID | Details | Patent Filed Year |
ACCE - NIRMANA NIRVAHANE PURASKARA - 2015 for best dissertation in M.E/M. Tech. (Construction and Technology and Management) from the Engineering Colleges of Karnataka.
NIT Durgapur (2022 onwards)
Institute Level
Department Level
NIT Calicut (2020-2022)
Institute Level
Department Level