Electronics and Communication Engineering

Faculty Details

Suman Samui Assistant Professor Grade-II
Joined the Institute in 2022

2019: Ph.D. 

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

(Thesis Topic: Phase-aware Speech Enhancement System Using Statistical Signal Processing and Deep Learning)

2013: M.Tech (VLSI Design)

Bengal Engineering and Science University  (presently IIEST Shibpur), Howrah, India

2011: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), India

Work Experiences
  • July'2022 - till date: Assistant Professor Grade-II at NIT Durgapur
  • Oct’2020 - Jun’2022 : Faculty (contractual) in Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at IIEST Shibpur
  • Aug’2019 - Jun’2020 : Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) in Dept. of Electrical Engineering  at NIT Rourkela
  • Sept’2018 - Mar’2019 : Post-doctoral Researcher at Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland


Research Interest
  • Speech Signal Processing
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Digital VLSI System Design
  • Machine learning applications
  • Embedded Machine Learning 

UG level courses

  • Machine Learning
  • Analog Electronics
  • Signal Processing

PG level courses

  • ASIC Design using VHDL/Verilog
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • DSP Architectures in VLSI

UG Students

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PG Students

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Doctoral Students

Almamun Sheikh

Almamun Sheikh

Joint Supervisor PhD (2022-Ongoing)
Machine Learning based Audio Signal Processing
Almamun Sheikh

Almamun Sheikh

Joint Supervisor PhD (2022-Ongoing)

Machine Learning based Audio Signal Processing

Soumen Garai

Soumen Garai

PhD (2022-Ongoing)
Deep Learning based Speech Signal Processing
Soumen Garai

Soumen Garai

PhD (2022-Ongoing)

Deep Learning based Speech Signal Processing


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Performance evaluation of open source LID, speaker diarization and speech enhancement algorithms Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Sujoy Kumar Saha, Dr. Suman Samui DRDO, Bangalore 3,000,000 Sponsored Ongoing


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion
1 Performance evaluation of open source LID, speaker diarization and speech enhancement algorithms Dr. Nilanjan Chattaraj Dr. Sujoy Kumar Saha, Dr. Suman Samui DRDO, Bangalore 3,000,000 Sponsored Ongoing


Sl.No. Title Name of the PI Name of the CoPIs Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Project Type Project Status Date of Initiation Date of Completion


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


Scopus h-index
Awards and Recognitions


  • Best Ph.D Thesis in Electronics (Anirban Bhattacharya Memorial Award) from ATDC, IIT Kharagpur in 2019

  • Best Young Scientist presentation Award in PReMI Conference, ISI Kolkata, 2017

  • Microsoft Research travel grant and DST International travel support for presenting research paper at INTERSPEECH 2017


Administrative Responsibilities
  • 01.08.2022 - till date: UG Coordinator (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Room no. SF36 (2nd Floor, ECE Department)

Email id: samuisuman@gmail.com, suman.samui@ece.nitdgp.ac.in

Mobile: +91-9932077977 or +91-9434789088

  • Technical Program Commitee (TPC) member of  SPECOM-2023 (25th International Conference on Speech and Computer)
  • TPC member of IEEE Healthcom 23 (2023 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom))
  • TPC member of SoCIeTY 2024 (3rd International Workshop on Societal Computing for the Internet of Things & You) in conjunction with The 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing & Networking (ICDCN 2024)
  • Program Committee (PC) of the 26th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA (O-COCOSDA 2023)
  • Involved in the Peer Review Process of following journals:                                                      https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-3139-9646
  1. IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing
  2. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems
  3. IET signal processing
  4. IEEE access
  5. Journal of Bionics Engineering


Academic Identity

Scopus Id

Researcher Id